




Hello all,

I just created my own "Home" to replace the stock android one or Sense.

All is working fine and I get all I want. My only problem is to replace to long press on home key ( that usually show the last 6 activities you launched) by my own launcher.

I successfully replace the long press on MENU button with this code:

public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {

//Log.i(TAG,"Keycode: "+keyCode);

if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU) {
    // this tells the framework to start tracking for
    // a long press and eventual key up. it will only
    // do so if this is the first down (not a repeat).

    return true;

and this part part for the long press:

    public boolean onKeyLongPress(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {

        Toast.makeText(Launcher.this,"LONG "+keyCode, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

        if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU) {

But the problem is that I wasn't able to replace the KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU with KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME

is that something locked in the code that avoid user to use a Home long press?

Thank a lot for all the information you woulg give me.


Everything I have ever read states that this can't be done... Here is a post on Android Beginners where I asked a very similar question:


However, I have recently come across an app that successfully allows you to launch it by double-tapping the home key so there has got to be something that can be done. I looked into that approach for a while but couldn't get it to work. Now that I know someone else figured it out I'm going to take another stab at it....
