UPDATE: This is the CFC code that I'm using to retrieve the data.
I'm using the qTip jQuery plugin to create tooltips for a set of links.
Two problems:
How do I create a set of tooltips for three dynamically generated links where the content of the tooltip will also be dynamic:
a href="books.cfm?bookID=11">Book One
a href="books.cfm?bookID=22">Book Two
a href="books.cfm?bookID=33">Book Three
I would like to create a tooltip for each link. Each tooltip will then load details about each book. Thus I must pass the bookID to the tooltip:
$('#catalog a[href]').each(function()
content: {
URL: 'cfcs/viewbooks.cfc?method=bookDetails',
data: { bookID: <cfoutput>#indexView.bookID#</cfoutput> },
method: 'get'
Unfortunately the above code is not working correctly.
I've gotten the followng to work when I've used a static 'bookID' instead of a dynamically generated number.
$("#catalog a[href]").qtip({
content: {
url: 'cfcs/viewbooks.cfc?=method=bookDetails',
data: { bookID: 11 },
method: 'get'
- Even when it does work (by using a static number for 'bookID', I can't format the data correctly. It comes back as a query result, or a bunch of text strings. Should I send back the results as HTML? Unsure.
<cffunction name="bookDetails" access="remote" returnType="any" returnformat="plain" output="true" hint="This grabs book details for the books.cfm page">
<cfargument name="bookID" type="numeric" required="true" hint="CFC will look for bookID and retrieve its details">
<cfset var bookDetails = "">
<!--- GET bookS FROM DATABASE --->
<cfquery name="bookDetails" datasource="">
titles.titleName AS tName,
books.releaseDate AS rDate,
genres.genreName AS gName,
Inner Join titles ON titles.titleID = books.titleID
Inner Join genres ON genres.genreID = books.genreID
(books.bookID = #ARGUMENTS.bookID#);
<cfreturn bookDetails>
PS: I am an absolute NOVICE to Javascript and jQuery, so please try not to be as technical.
Many thanks!