



I think I just realized how restrictive my web host is when they wouldn't let me use cfdump. This actually kind of angers me, cause really, what harm is dump going to do? Anyway my question is has anyone written a cfdump alternative that will kick out complex types of data or can link me to a site with a code example? Can't really used cfc's or udfs either cause guess what, they're blocked too. Anyway looking for something simple that I can just paste in my cfml and I will be happy. It's sad that I used to be able to do this, but have forgotten a lot of that skillset since I moved into Flex and AS.

oh and they're using cf7, so no cf8 or 9 tricks ;-)

Thanks in advance.

+9  A: 

You probably don't want to hear "Change to another hosting company" but if they're that restrictive, you're really limited in what you can do. I've actually never heard of a host that blocks cfdump although I know of a few that still, stupidly, block createObject().

Depending on exactly what they've blocked, you may be able to copy WEB-INF/cftags/dump.cfm from your local ColdFusion installation to a folder inside your application and then invoke it with cfmodule:

<cfmodule template="dump.cfm" var="#something#"/>
Sean Corfield
Yes, I _think_ blocking createObject("java") also blocks cfdump. I am guessing because the template uses createObject() ...?
I've heard of hosts that forbid development on their shared servers. Maybe they figure that cfdump is a strong sign that it's not running stable production code?
Brock Adams
@Brock - pretty much the exact response I got from them. "We're production hosting not a dev server" Doesn't do me a lot of good when the dev copy is working as designed :-(
+2  A: 

@Sean Corfield is right -- switch hosts.

In the meantime, there was a custom tag called "cf_dump" from the era of CF4. I have no idea if it will work on 7, but you could always try to get it working.

cf_dump at Adobe

Ben Doom
Thanks Ben I'll give that a try

I've actually been looking for this for some time and today I actually stumbled across the solution. Unfortunately, I didn't come up with this. Thanks and credit goes to John Whish.

Basically he's figured out most of the CFDump data can be called in the Application.cfc onError function.
