




I switched to use facelet in Eclipse.

Before, when I used JSP i could put breakpoint on the page.

How can I put now on a facelet page?


If I follow this JSF Facelet tutorial (which uses facelets, an extension to JavaServer Faces(JSF) that uses XHTML syntax to define a JSF page; it doesn't seem to allow breakpoints directly on the JSF page itself.

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The best bet remains in setting a breakpoint in the associated code:

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, in order to debug that screen:

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The problem is: WTP facelet is an incubator project, based on a 2008 proposal, which apparently has not made it as an official project.
Its project status is not exactly "current", if you catch my drift.

So this is my question - is there a way or there is no way to it?
@Mike: from what I can see, not directly in the JSF source itself, but hopefully in the Java code (in this example `LoginBean`). Try setting a breakpoint in the associated Java code and see if it works.