Hi, I have all my annotations(as nsdictionnaries) in an array , and the users add them one by one by tapping on an icon. I want to make it impossible to add more annotations after adding 10 annotations (there is 110).
Is it here i have to make something?:
-(IBAction) plusButtonTapped: (id) sender {
NSDictionary *poiDict = [poiArray objectAtIndex:nextPoiIndex++];
CLLocationCoordinate2D poiCoordinate;
poiCoordinate.latitude = [[poiDict valueForKey:@"workingCoordinate.latitude"] doubleValue];
poiCoordinate.longitude = [[poiDict valueForKey:@"workingCoordinate.longitude"] doubleValue];
MyMapAnnotation *poiAnnotation = [[MyMapAnnotation alloc]
title:[poiDict valueForKey:@"Subtitle"]
color:MKPinAnnotationColorRed ];
[mapView addAnnotation:poiAnnotation];
[self adjustMapZoom];
Thank you for your help in advance,