



How can I convert RSAPublicKey into something readable (public key sharing reasons) and then convert it back to RSAPublicKey?


The easiest way to share the key between Java programs is to generate the key in keytool and share the keystore file.

ZZ Coder
+3  A: 

The getEncoded() method gets you a byte array, which you can then convert to a string in hexadecimal representation (or, if you want to get cleverer about it, have a set 256 words you can use to represent each byte!) Similar idea on the way back. Once you convert it back to a byte array there should be a constructor you can pass it to.

(I wouldn't have called a sequence of `2048 / 8` random words "clever" ...)
Stephen C
Yeah, it's not *too* readable, but if the words are easy to pronounce it may still be easier to read them over the phone than hexadcimal numbers. :)
Is there any standard format for sharing public keys, for example, in what format are PGP public keys shared?