Is there any default function to clear only the values of an array. For ex arr{10,3,3,34,56,12} to arr{0,0,0,0,0,0}
$array = array_fill(0, count($array), 0);
This creates an array of the original one's size filled with zeroes.
Victor Stanciu
2010-05-31 07:03:57
Although the OP didn't say so, I'm assuming the keys might not be continuously numeric. This solution would destroy the keys.
2010-05-31 07:08:18
The code above works for your example (non-associative array). If you want to preserve keys, deceze's solution is correct.
Victor Stanciu
2010-05-31 07:08:58
$array = array_combine(array_keys($array), array_fill(0, count($array), 0));
$array = array_map(create_function('', 'return 0;'), $array);
2010-05-31 07:07:03
To answer your original question: No, there isn't any default PHP function for this. However, you can try some combination of other functions as other guys described. However, I find following piece of code more readable:
$numbers = Array( "a" => "1", "b" => 2, "c" => 3 );
foreach ( $numbers as &$number ) {
$number = 0;
Ondrej Slinták
2010-05-31 07:39:38