The main goal is to have a dropdown menu where each of its menuItems represents one column of a <rich:extendedDataTable />
Above the table I have this:
<rich:dropDownMenu value="Column visibility"
submitMode="none" direction="bottom-right">
<c:forEach var="columnConfigVO" items="#{gridConfigurationManager.getColumnConfigs(listId)}">
<rich:menuItem value="columnConfigVO.columnId" />
And then bellow that I have the usual <rich:extendedDataTable />
with its columns. I register the table columns to gridConfigurationManager component by overriding beforeRenderResponse() in ExtendedDataTable class.
The problem is that <c:forEach />
is executing before renderResponse phase, thus gridConfigurationManager.getColumnConfigs(listId) return empty.
The question is, how do I register the columns in gridConfigurationManager component before <c:forEach />
start executing?
Or, anyone know a different approach to accomplish this?