



Hi, I am trying to find answer for the following ,for the past couple of days ,but couldnt find comprehensive answer

Problem Statement

I have a custom JSP tag class which handles a web form submission ,captures data and write it to same file in the filesystem. As all web applications,this can be triggeredsimultaneosly ,and i fear that multiple threads would be in action handling each of the submission (we all know thats how Servlet works.)


                        synchronized (this){
                        final String reportFileName = "testReport.csv";
                        File reportDir = new File( rootCsDirectory, "reports" );
                        File reportFile = new File (reportDir, reportFileName);

ISSUE: - A File object can be opened by one thread for writing and at same time another thread might try to access and fail and throw an exception So i thought of synchronizing (on the object ) should solve the issue , but read some where that jsp engine would have pool of jsp tag objects, so i am afraid that synchronized (this) wont work and it should be changed to synchronized (this.getClass()) *FYI:* The code above is placed in JSP Custom Tag Class.


Question 1: should the block of code be synchronized by synchronized (this) OR synchronized (this.getClass())

Question 2: How the same scenario would be handled if the web application is deployed in the clustered environment ?

+1  A: 

I would synchronise at a finer level, and choose an object that is more tightly tied to the file creation.

e.g. abstract out the above into a FileManager class, and let a single instance of that synchronise on a lock object (held internally to the FileManager - it could lock on itself, perhaps).

That way you're controlling the synchronisation at a finer level, and you have more control of the objects that you're locking on. They're not controlled by your servlet/web container.

Brian Agnew
How the same scenario would be handled if the web application is deployed in the clustered environment ?Using FileManager will hold good in Clustered environments

How about putting it in a synchronized method so you can cheerfully disregard the detail of how JSPs are managed?


I would check out the stuff in the java.util.concurrent package.

You can use a cuncurrent queue to push your updates and have at the other side a thread you spawned when the application started which does the writes to the file system.

This will nicely and efficiently serialize access to that file.

Peter Tillemans
Actually this package contains many often occuring patterns for dealing with concurrent stuff. Doing synchronisation is hard and have a tendency to come back and bite you. It is far better to not use synchronised directly and use a wrapped library version which has been thoroughly tested and for which the usage semantics are clear.
Peter Tillemans