Hi guys, I am struggling with the new graph api, trying to publis stream with flash attachment. However docs http://developers.facebook.com/docs/api says its only possible to post /PROFILE_ID/feed with arguments: message, picture, link, name, description , I have discovered that even other works (caption, ...) Now I would like to guess correct arguments for publishing flash attachment but no luck: type (flash), swfsrc, imgsrc, width, height, expanded_width, expanded_height all those does not seems to work. Any ideas?
Hey - publishing Flash doesn't work with the new Graph API. Vote for this bug to help speed up the process of getting it working
From: http://bugs.developers.facebook.com/show_bug.cgi?id=10672#c13
You should be able to publish flash attachments using the "source" parameter when posting to [profile id]/feed.
But there's one more question: how can I set a width and height for my attachment?
Actually, you still being capable of publishing flash in facebook using the stream.publish method (https://api.facebook.com/method/stream.publish? access_token=....) and using the publish stream rules of the old API, the only thing that took me a lot of time working around, was that the JSON attachment parameter MUST use double quotes, not the single ones that are on the documentation
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