



Hi folks,

I'm having serious trouble getting this to work in IE7/8. In FF, everything works as expected.

When the user clicks on a certain link, a modal dialog popup is shown. In this dialog, there is a form, which contains one textarea, that is replaced with a FCK instance. The form is loaded from the server using ajax on the clientside and php on the serverside.

There's one strange way to get the FCK editor shown, and that is by resizing the dialog.

Library versions: jquery: 1.3.2 jquery ui: 1.7.3 FCKeditor: 2.6.1 build 19297

Any help would be strongly appreciated, I'm on a deadline here :-(

+1  A: 

Try setting a slight timeout on the FCK instance to insure the dialog is fully instantiated before the FCK instantiates.

Andrew Kennedy