




I'm pretty new in Java and socket connections but I'm trying to send out a UDP packet/broadcast on on port 8001 to a device. I can get the data to send just fine, however when it comes time to receive the data the connection times out. I have a packet sniffer and I can see the packet send and then the device respond.

I'm pretty sure it is a rookie mistake that I'm missing in my code but I've been stuck on it for awhile and any help would be appreciated.

 m_Socket = new DatagramSocket(m_SERVERPORT);
 InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(m_SERVERIP);

 m_DataPack = new DatagramPacket(m_SERVERCMD.getBytes(), m_SERVERCMD.getBytes().length,
 address, m_SERVERPORT);
 m_Socket.connect(address, m_SERVERPORT);

 m_DataPack = new DatagramPacket(data, data.length,
 address, m_SERVERPORT);

 m_Socket.receive(m_DataPack); // This is where it times out

 data = m_DataPack.getData();
 String received = data.toString();
 System.out.println("Received: " + received);

Thanks and Gig'Em.


I'm not sure if this helps but when I watch the m_Socket object I can see the following right before it sends:

bound = true;
close = false;
connectedAddress = Inet4Address (id = 32) (-1,-1,-1,-1);
connectedPort = 8001;
connectState = 1;
created = true;
impl = PlainDatagramSocketImpl;
oldImpl = false;

and the m_DataPack object is the following:

address = Inet4Address (id = 32) (-1,-1,-1,-1);
bufLength = 6 (size of packet I'm sending is 6 char long);
offset = 0;
port = 8001;

If you want to receive a datagram you need to bind() to the local endpoint (address + port).

John Kugelman
In the bind function I need to set the local endpoint to an address and port through a SocketAddress. What is the best way to do this? I know in the DatagramPacket Class there is a getSocketAddress(); function so that doesn't help me.
I did try m_DataPack = new DatagramPacket(data, data.length,InetAddress.getLocalHost(), m_SERVERPORT); and then the m_Socket.bind(m_DataPack.getSocketAddress()); but it throws an exception saying the socket has already been bound.
Thanks for the input by the way.
He is binding, that's what new DatagramSocket(int port) does.

This doesn't make sense. You are broadcasting, which is 1-to-many, and you are also connecting, which is 1-to-1. Which is it?

Lose the connect. And lose the This has been heavily deprecated for about 20 years. Use a subnet-local broadcast address, e.g.