How to make form param (e.g. /some_action/ a single param, but not "id"=>"Google", "format"=>"com" ?
So i need "id"=>""
How to make form param (e.g. /some_action/ a single param, but not "id"=>"Google", "format"=>"com" ?
So i need "id"=>""
You can add some regex requirements to the route parameters.
Here, you want to allow the dots in the parameters.
match 'some_action/:id' => 'controller#action', :constraints => { :id => /[0-z\.]+/ }
And in rails 2.3 :
map.connect 'some_action/:id', :controller => 'controller', :action => 'action', :requirements => { :id => /[0-z\.]+/ }