



I have scoured the web and stackoverflow and didnt find anything specific to 1.6.20 so I am wondering if I am the only one seeing this...

I am building a JSP based on SUN JRE, Tomcat 5.5.25 and am using MyEclipse 8.5 . After running my Servlet a few times through the code/debug cycle, the IDE just starts ignoring all breakpoints. I have checked all - my debug settings, compiler settings, workspace settings, everything's fine. And I am running it in Debug mode. This is the second time.

After the first time, I just reinstalled MyEclipse and created a new workspace but I cant keep doing that. it is just not scalable! Now I see that this issue has been reported as a Bug since and subsequently fixed too and then reappeared? So any hints to fix it would be welcome. Meanwhile I am going to go to and see if it fixes it.

Some other related issues I have seen -

JRE Bug Report 6862295

Eclipse Bug Report 279137

StackOverFlow related Q to JRE


I have the same problem with Ubuntu Eclipse 3.5.2 with Java 1.6.0_20 on an Android 1.6 application. The breakpoints work aleatory and often phantom ones appear. It seems some kind of Java 1.6.0_14 bug has come back to stay! I recheck a lot of times the different configurations of the Java and Debug options; I have launched the debug session in thousand ways; I have reinstalled Eclipse deleting the .metadata folder; I have used Java 1.5.0_22; I have tried the "-XX:+UseParallelGC" command. Anything works! I'm turning crazy!

EDIT: I have figured out when I put more than around 20 breakpoints, in the DalvikVM log appears "ERROR: max breakpoints exceeded." and hence, the later breakpoints do not work.

I feel for you... Wish there was a more sane and a more visible error message in these scenarios.
Master Chief