in symfony i call an action and i want this to return json to jquery frontend.
the jobeet tutorial teaches how to return a partial but i want to return json, not a partial.
in symfony i call an action and i want this to return json to jquery frontend.
the jobeet tutorial teaches how to return a partial but i want to return json, not a partial.
The cheap way:
function executeSomethingThatReturnsJson(){
$M = new Model();
$stuff = $M->getStuff();
echo json_encode($stuff);
die(); //don't do any view stuff
The smarter way:
A smarter way is to create a nice subclass of sfActions that helps handling json-stuff.
In a project I did recently, I created a application called 'api' (./symfony generate:application api
and then created a file like:
class apiActions extends sfActions {
public function returnJson($data){
$this->data = $data;
if (sfConfig::get('sf_environment') == 'dev' && !$this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()){
Notice that I explicitly set the template there.
So my jsonSuccess.php template is simply:
<?PHP echo json_encode($data);
While json_debugSuccess.php makes things prettier:
<?PHP var_dump($data); ?>
Then you can have a controller that extends apiActions (instead of the usual sfActions) that looks like this:
class myActions extends apiAction {
public function executeList(sfWebRequest $request)
$params = array();
if ($request->hasParameter('id')){
$id = $request->getParameter('id');
if (is_numeric($id)){
$params['id'] = $id;
$data = Doctrine::getTable('SomeTable')->findAll();
Disclaimer: The code above is copy/pasted out of an app I have, but simplified. It's for illustrative purposes only -- but it should get you heading in the right direction.
If it's just a normal AJAX action you're returning it from, I think I've used the following somewhere in the past:
return $this->renderText(json_encode($something));