



Hay, i have a simple model

class Manufacturer(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField()
    car_count = models.IntegerField()

class Car(models.Model):
    maker = ForeignKey(Manufacturer)

I want to update the car_count field when a car is added to a manufacturer, I'm aware i could just count the Manufacturer.car_set() to get the value, but i want the value to be stored within that car_count field.

How would i do this?


Would something like this work?

    def save(self):
            car_count = self.car_set.count()
+4  A: 

The best way make something happen when a model is saved it to use a signal. Django's documentation does a good job of describing what signals are and how to use them:

I'm not sure why you need to make it a field in the model though. Databases are very good at counting rows, so you could add a model method to count the cars which would use a very fast COUNT() query.

class Manufacturer(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField()

    def car_count(self):
        return Car.objects.filter(maker=self).count()

class Car(models.Model):
    maker = ForeignKey(Manufacturer)

In light of the requirement added by your comment, you're back to updating a field on the Manufacturer model whenever a Car is saved. I would still recommend using the count() method to ensure the car_count field is accurate. So your signal handler could look something like this:

def update_car_count(sender, **kwargs):
    instance = kwargs['instance']
    manufacturer = instance.maker
    manufacturer.car_count = Car.objects.filter(maker=self).count()

Then you would connect it to both the post_save and post_delete signals of the Car model.

post_save.connect(update_car_count, sender=Car)
post_delete.connect(update_car_count, sender=Car)
Josh Wright
i want to be able to order manufactures by car_count. As far as i can see i cannot do .order_by('car_count()') in a query?
Ah, no, you can't use a model method to order on, so you would need to make it a field.
Josh Wright
Any idea how i would use 'signals' to update this 'car_count' field when the Manufacturer has another Car added to it? I'm asusming I'll need to use ?
+2  A: 

I'm a tiny bit confused.

.. when a car is added to a manufacturer ..

In the code shown in your question, I'd guess, you save a car with some manufacturer, e.g.

car.maker = Manufacturer.objects.get(name='BMW')

Then the save method of the Car class would need to take update the car_count of the manufacturer (see Overriding predefined model methods for more details).

def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.maker.car_count = len(self.maker.car_set.all())
    super(Car, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

Since this isn't the most elegant code, I'd suggest as @Josh Wright to look into signals for that matter.

P.S. You could also add a method on the Manufacturer class, but I guess, you want this attribute to live in the database.

class Manufacturer(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField()

    def _car_count(self):
        return len(self.car_set.all())

    car_count = property(_car_count)

I would create a Car object, then use Manufacturer.car_set.add(Car) to add the Car to the Manufacturer, when the Car has been added i want to update the car_count with the amount of Car objects the Manufacturer has. This clear things up any more?
OK, this wasn't clear for me from your question; then you code should work (and I guess in an OK way), just use the correct method signature, that is `def save(self, *args, **kwargs)` and call super somewhere in between: `super(Manufacturer, self).save(*args, **kwargs)`
You reply almost worked, i can call car_count in the shell and it displays the correct value, however if i try using that value in my to order by it, its fails with the old Cannot resolve keyword 'car_count' into field. error.
to tell from remote, difficult it is -
I found a solution, i just manually updated the car_count field when i add a new Car to the manufacturer. I wanted it to be a little more cleaner, as in all the work done in the model. But i guess I'll have to use the view. Works though.
Remember to update car_count when you delete a car as well.
Josh Wright
The override above won't work, since `` won't be set until it's saved. I'd do something like: `def save(self, *args, **kwargs):. super(Car, self).save(*args, **kwargs). self.maker.car_count = len(self.maker.car_set.all()).` Which is untested, and the formatting's screwy, but should work.
Anthony Briggs

The override in MYYN's answer won't work, since won't be set (and probably not included in the Manufacturer's car_set) until it's saved. Instead, I'd do something like:

def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super(Car, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
    self.maker.car_count = len(self.maker.car_set.all())

Which is untested, but should work.

Of course, the best way is to use Josh's solution, since that's going 'with the grain' of Django.

Anthony Briggs
+1  A: 

The proper way to let the database show how many cars a manufacturer has, is to let the database calculate it in the view using aggregations.

from django.db.models import Count

Databases are very efficient at that sort of thing, and you can order by the result as seen above.

Daniel Roseman