I'm having trouble setting up a filter for a query in cqperl. I'm trying to build a pretty simple filter to query based on a defect id, but I'm getting the following error: Failed condition: AdIsValidCompOp (op).
The code is as follows:
my $querydef = $session -> BuildQuery("defect");
my @dbfields = ("id", "headline", "owner.login_name");
my $field;
foreach $field (@dbfields)
$querydef -> BuildField($field);
my $operator = $querydef -> BuildFilterOperator($CQPerlExt::CQ_BOOL_OP_AND);
my @id = ("PPSCR00681534");
$operator->BuildFilter("id", $QPerlExt::CQ_COMP_OP_EQ, \@id);
my ($result_set) = $session -> BuildResultSet($querydef);
The error occors in "BuildResultSet".