



I'm using the $(window).scroll(function() to set classes on the navigation of a site. When a section rolls into view the navigation class changes to 'current'.

$(window).scroll(function() {

                var top = 0;
                top = $(window).scrollTop();

                if(top < 1000){
                if((top >= 1000) && (top < 2000)){
                if((top >= 2000) && (top < 3000)){      
                if((top >= 3000) && (top < 4000)){      

This works great, however it works when the window is "scrolled" into place (obviously). If the page is refreshed then the class is removed even though the page remains at a certain section.

How would I get this code to check where it is on page load and apply the class immediately?

   //call it every load.. to fix your problem...

    $(window).scroll(fix); //then bind it on window scroll..


function fix(){
     var top = 0;
     top = $(window).scrollTop();

     if(top < 1000){
     if((top >= 1000) && (top < 2000)){
      if((top >= 2000) && (top < 3000)){      
      if((top >= 3000) && (top < 4000)){      
Thanks for this, only I can't seem to get it to work. How do I cal it every load?
Jonny Wood
Can anyone help me implement Reigels solution? I can't get it to work.
Jonny Wood
Finally got this to work, thanks for the solution Reigel!
Jonny Wood