



I have a project which is using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll 2.0.3920.0. However, I want this to be upgraded to the 2.0.5022.0 from here. Note that there is change only in the revision number of the version. I removed the older reference and added the new one and It compiles fine. However, I need to know If there are any runtime breaking changes in the new version and I am not able to find the same after some hours of searching. Sure, I should (and would) test all the functionalities. However, just wanted to know If anybody is already aware of any breaking changes.


I got some errors upgrading I will come back if there is a problem!?!?!

Right now I have found no documentation regarding changes but get some errors where it looks like they have changed namespace and names on TextFontAlignValues TextTabAlignValues TextAnchoringValuesShape3DScene3DAppVersionAppNonVisualDrawingPropertiesRegards