



This is one is for any of you Doctrine users out there. I have a PHP CLI daemon process that checks a table every n seconds to find entries that haven't been processed. It's basically a FIFO. Anyways, I always exceed the memory allocated to PHP becuase Doctrine does not free it's resources. To combat this problem it provides free for the query object. I can't seem to make it work though. Here's the code:

 22     print "You are using " . (memory_get_usage() / 1024). "\n";
 23     $query = Doctrine_Query::create()
 24                 ->from('SubmissionQueue s')
 25                 ->where('s.time_acted_on IS NULL')
 26                 ->orderby('s.time_queued')
 27                 ->limit(1)
 28                 ->execute();
 29     print $query[0]->time_queued . "\n";
 30     $query->free();

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

EDIT: I am using 1.0.3

EDIT: I have tried all of the below suggestions. I was very hopeful for unset() as I had it in there before I found free().

Here is more of the code to possibly aid in any help. Before you question the opening and closing of the connection it will be daemon process that spawns children and from I have experienced the connection has to be unique.

  1 <?php
  3 require_once('/usr/local/lib/php/Doctrine/lib/Doctrine.php');
  5 spl_autoload_register(array('Doctrine', 'autoload'));
  7 $manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance();
  8 $manager->setAttribute('model_loading','conservative');
  9 Doctrine::loadModels('lib/model/master');
 11 while(1){
 12     print "You are using " . intval(memory_get_usage() / 1024) . "\n";
 13     $manager->connection('********************************************','master');
 14     $query = Doctrine_Query::create()
 15                 ->from('SubmissionQueue s')
 16                 ->where('s.time_acted_on IS NULL')
 17                 ->orderby('s.time_queued')
 18                 ->limit(1)
 19                 ->execute();
 20     print "[" . $query[0]->time_queued . "]\n";
 21     $query->free();
 22     unset($query);
 23     $query = null;
 24     $manager->closeConnection(Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getConnection('master'));
 25     sleep(5);
 26 }

Some sample output:

You are using 14949KB
[2008-11-17 13:59:00]
You are using 14978KB
[2008-11-17 13:59:00]
You are using 15007KB
[2008-11-17 13:59:00]
You are using 15035KB
[2008-11-17 13:59:00]
You are using 15064KB
[2008-11-17 13:59:00]
You are using 15093KB
[2008-11-17 13:59:00]
You are using 15121KB
[2008-11-17 13:59:00]
You are using 15150KB
[2008-11-17 13:59:00]
You are using 15179KB
[2008-11-17 13:59:00]
You are using 15207KB
[2008-11-17 13:59:00]
You are using 15236KB
[2008-11-17 13:59:00]
You are using 15265KB
[2008-11-17 13:59:00]
You are using 15293KB
[2008-11-17 13:59:00]
You are using 15322KB

No experience with Doctrine (just some interest as I discovered it this week-end...), so take or leave my guess... ^_^

I would try and separate the query creation from its execute part:

$query = Doctrine_Query::create()
            ->from('SubmissionQueue s')
            ->where('s.time_acted_on IS NULL')
print $query[0]->time_queued . "\n";

Not sure what execute returns, but just in case, it is worth trying... Unless somebody has a more enlightened advice! :-P

I'm a complete n00b myself. I had the same idea, but it worked no differently.
Chris Kloberdanz

Try $query->free(true);


Sorry, I probably should have outlined what I actually have tried already. That was my first though, but to no avail.
Chris Kloberdanz
+2  A: 

The problem is, that free() does not remove the Doctrine objects from memory but just eliminates the circular references on those objects, making it possible for the garbage collector to cleanup those objects. Please see 23.6 Free Objects in the Doctrine manual:

As of version 5.2.5, PHP is not able to garbage collect object graphs that have circular references, e.g. Parent has a reference to Child which has a reference to Parent. Since many doctrine model objects have such relations, PHP will not free their memory even when the objects go out of scope.

For most PHP applications, this problem is of little consequence, since PHP scripts tend to be short-lived. Longer-lived scripts, e.g. bulk data importers and exporters, can run out of memory unless you manually break the circular reference chains. Doctrine provides a free() function on Doctrine_Record, Doctrine_Collection, and Doctrine_Query which eliminates the circular references on those objects, freeing them up for garbage collection.

The solution should be to unset() the $query object after using free():

$query = Doctrine_Query::create()
            ->from('SubmissionQueue s')
            ->where('s.time_acted_on IS NULL')
print $query[0]->time_queued . "\n";
unset($query); // perhaps $query = null; will also work
Stefan Gehrig
I was really hopeful for that one. I had unset in before I even found out about free then I hastily deleted it. Even with it back in it's not working.
Chris Kloberdanz

I think I might just going to use PDO for the back-end parts that really don't need the ORM anyways since there aren't that many queries. I just really wanted to have a single way to interact with the DB across all my apps in this system. Maybe I'll give some more thought.

Chris Kloberdanz
+1  A: 

Doctrine_Query also has a free() method, at the moment you are just calling free() on your Doctrine_Collection, eg, try:

 $query = Doctrine_Query::create()
             ->from('SubmissionQueue s')
             ->where('s.time_acted_on IS NULL')
 $results = $query->execute();
 print $results[0]->time_queued . "\n";
