





i simply can't find a solution to my problem! The quantity field worked as it should. After a few months of programming on the whole shop, i wanted to test the quantity field and recognized that it doesn't function.

I only can add one product to the cart although i typed “3” in the quantity field.

I didn’t change anything in product/view.phtml and addtocart.phtml. Don't know where i have to search for this error. Maybe someone can give me a tip...

greets max


The quantity field is used in the various product type prepareForCart functions. Did you override any of your product classes?

Joseph Mastey
Hmm, i installed j2t Ajax cart module. Maybe that ruined something.I wrote in the developers forum but didn't get any answer.But i noticed, that when i change from my design to the default one, quantity field works. Is that a sign for having the error in a template file ?Sorry for my bad english, hope you can understand it...
If you change the design and it works, there's probably a problem with the design. Odds are a template, yes, but it's possible that it's something else. Compare the default template and yours and verify that the quantity input box is rendered in the same way.
Joseph Mastey
hmmm, just found out that, when i test with a configurable product, i have 2 quantity fields and addtocart buttons! One quantity field is working, the other one not...Thing i messed up something there...
Ok, works now. Did take the default view.phtml and replaced it.But i still don't know where the problem was and may never will know :-)