



I'm looking for some general guidance on serializing objects in a database.

  1. What are serialized objects?
  2. What are some best-practice scenarios for serializing objects in a DB?
  3. What attributes do you use when creating the column in the DB so you can use a serialized object?
  4. How to save a serialized object?
  5. And how to access the serialized object and its attributes? (Using hashes?)
+3  A: 

Really easy. Check the doc for ActiveRecord::Base.serialize.

Marc-André Lafortune
+1  A: 

In computer science, in the context of data storage and transmission, serialization is the process of converting a data structure or object into a sequence of bits so that it can be stored in a file, a memory buffer, or transmitted across a network connection link to be "resurrected" later in the same or another computer environment. (see

  1. So serialized objects (in the context of ActiveRecord) are text/string representations of objects (encoded using YAML). When serialized, you can save (almost) any Ruby object in a single database field.

  2. You can use serialization if you have somewhat complex objects that you need to save in a database and you don't need to retrieve records based on the contents of a serialized attribute. I used them for example for storing preferences for users of a webapp: the preferences were basically hashes that I wanted to save in a single db field.

3./4./5. Use ActiveRecord::Base.serialize as Marc-André Lafortune suggested:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  serialize :preferences

u =
u.preferences = {:show_tooltips => true, :use_extended_menu => false, ...}

# ...

u = User.find(23)
u.preferences # => {:show_tooltips => true, :use_extended_menu => false, ...}

Have a look at MessagePack
