




How can we use AtomicInteger for limited sequence generation say the sequence number has to be between 1 to 60. Once the sequece reaches 60 it has to start again from 1. I wrote this code though not quite sure wether this is thread safe or not?

public int getNextValue()
 int v;
   v = val.get();
   if ( v == 60)
  while (!val.compareAndSet(v , v + 1));
   return v + 1;
+6  A: 

You could do

return val.getAndIncrement() % 60;

Unless you're concerned with exceeding the integer max-value (2147483647). If that is a concern, you could have a look at the getAndIncrement implementation:

public final int getAndIncrement() {
    for (;;) {
        int current = get();
        int next = current + 1;
        if (compareAndSet(current, next))
            return current;

All you need to change is the int next... line to something like:

int next = (current + 1) % 60;

Oops. This loops through 0->59. You needed 1->60, so add one to the return-value to get the desired result.

+1. It's really helpfull
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What a strange implementation. Basically it says "add 1 if it hasn't changed yet, otherwise keep trying". Couldn't that theoretically result in an infinite loop?
Bart van Heukelom

No, it's not thread safe - you shouldn't call set inside a cycle:

int value, next;
do {
    value = val.get();
    next = (value == 60) ? 1 : (value + 1);
} while (!val.compareAndSet(value, next);
return next;

If you make the method synchronized then it will be threadsafe as long as the val is nowhere else accessed. The approach is however a bit cumbersome, I'd rewrite it as follows:

public synchronized int getNextValue() {
    val.compareAndSet(60, 0); // Set to 0 if current value is 60.
    return val.incrementAndGet();

This gives 1 until with 60 back inclusive. If you actually need 1 until with 59, then replace 60 by 59.


Any particular reason to use AtomicInteger here rather than just a simple synchronized method?

How about something simple like the following:

private int val=1;

public synchronized int getNextValue() {
 int v=val;
 val = (val==60) ? 1 : (val+1); 
 return v;
p.s. nothing against AtomicIntegers but I think it's always good to make things as simple as possible in the interests of long term maintainability....
Thanks for the reply. I was looking for a Non-blocking algorithm insted of the Blocking algorithm.
AtomicInteger is much faster than synchronization if there is a lot of contention (up to a factor of 10).

Quick answer, not thread safe. The test and set need to be atomic, unless you make the whole method synchronized. Note the val.get() and the test of v are not atomic. If the thread yields after v = val.get() you'll get two calls with the same sequence number.

Also, if the compareAndSet fails you never change the values, it'll be an infinite loop.

AtomicInteger has a getAndIncrement() call. That will get you a clean value to return.

The rolling is a bit trickier. One solution is to mod the return value. Something like so:

int v = val.getAndIncrement();
return (v % 60) + 1;

Since each thread has a local copy of v we can safely do some math on it and return the value. There is one sticking point if you get an overflow. Depending on how often you generate a sequence number this may or may not be an issue.

Paul Rubel
The frequeny of the generation is quite high, probably every 50 ms.
At 20 calls per second (a call every 50ms) you'd get a rollover after approximately 3.4 years. Probably not too bad, depending on your app. If that's going to be a problem, a synchronized block is probably the easiest solution. Make sure this code is a real bottleneck before you go crazy optimizing it. I suspect there are lower hanging fruit than a task that runs every 50ms.
Paul Rubel