



you guys ever saw that FB scrapes the link you post on facebook (status, message etc.) live right after you paste it in the link field and displays various metadata, a thumb of the image, various images from the a page link or a video thumb from a video related link (like youtube).

any ideas how one would copy this function? i'm thinking about a couple gearman workers or even better just javascript that does a xhr requests and parses the content based on regex's or something similar... any ideas? any links? did someone already tried to do the same and wrapped it in a nice class? anything? :)



Facebook looks at various meta information in the HTML of the page that you paste into a link field. The title and description are two obvious ones but a developer can also use <link rel="image_src" href="thumbnail.jpg" /> to provide a preferred screengrab. I guess you could check for these things. If this tag is missing you could always use a website thumbnail generation service.

Nev Stokes
oh really ;) - i meant more in terms of mass data crowling. also they use pics within the page not screenshots.
What do you think a screenshot is Tobias? It *is* a picture!
Nev Stokes
+5  A: 

FB scrapes the meta tags from the HTML.

I.e. when you enter a URL, FB displays the page title, followed by the URL (truncated), and then the contents of the <meta name="description"> element.

As for the selection of thumbnails, I think maybe FB chooses only those that exceed certain dimensions, i.e. skipping over button graphics, 1px spacers, etc.

Edit: I don't know exactly what you're looking for, but here's a function in PHP for scraping the relevant data from pages.
This uses the simple HTML DOM library from

I've had a look at how FB does it, and it looks like the scraping is done at server side.

    class ScrapedInfo
        public $url;
        public $title;
        public $description;
        public $imageUrls;

    function scrapeUrl($url)
        $info = new ScrapedInfo();
        $info->url = $url;
        $html = file_get_html($info->url);

        //Grab the page title
        $info->title = trim($html->find('title', 0)->plaintext);

        //Grab the page description
        foreach($html->find('meta') as $meta)
                if ($meta->name == "description")
                        $info->description = trim($meta->content);

        //Grab the image URLs
        $imgArr = array();
        foreach($html->find('img') as $element)
                $rawUrl = $element->src;

                //Turn any relative Urls into absolutes
                if (substr($rawUrl,0,4)!="http")
                        $imgArr[] = $url.$rawUrl;
                        $imgArr[] = $rawUrl;
        $info->imageUrls = $imgArr;

        return $info;

So what's your criteria for the bounty?
@steven Well you put effort into your answer so go ahead and get the bounty
his point is how can people answer if they don't know the criteria by which an answer is acceptable?
John Nicholas