




Is anyone using APC 3.1.x in production on a high volume site? The 3.1 series is labeled a "beta" release, but it has some features that we'd really like to have (specifically, performance improvements for apc_clear_cache('user') which didn't make 3.0.19)

So: are you successfully using APC 3.1.x on a very active site? (more than 1 PHP request per second [not including images/js/css]) Any signs of instability at all?

+1  A: 

I have it running on a production website. For several days - no crushes. I am using Apache worker + php-fpm.

File Cache Information

Cached Files    0 ( 0.0 Bytes)
Hits    4456420
Misses  11090047
Request Rate (hits, misses) 47.89 cache requests/second
Hit Rate    13.73 cache requests/second
Miss Rate   34.16 cache requests/second
Insert Rate 18.27 cache requests/second
Cache full count    4671279

User Cache Information

Cached Variables    64 ( 1.3 MBytes)
Hits    10480405
Misses  298883
Request Rate (hits, misses) 33.21 cache requests/second
Hit Rate    32.29 cache requests/second
Miss Rate   0.92 cache requests/second
Insert Rate 0.74 cache requests/second
Cache full count    34

Now I have been resetup cache size because of high query miss count.

Ok, I moved heavy forum to APC 3.1.x. It will have real load on workdays, but for now all going fine. Forum have about 80k hits per day.
Updated answer. No crashes.
I've got two boxes at over 1500+ req/sec. Here's hoping it works just as well at that scale =D Thanks for the info.
Frank Farmer
WOW... 1500+? What are you hosting? Wikipedia? :)

Having been emboldened by FractalizeR's report of success, our ops guy rolled APC 3.1.3p1 to our 4 production PHP boxes (PHP 5.2.5, 5.2.10, 5.2.11) which are seeing 1000-2500 APC "system cache" hits per second currently.

So far so good. I'll report back if anything comes up. alt text

Frank Farmer
My god, guys, what are you hosting at 2500 cache hits per second? :)