Hi, I use PHP to generate files of some special format, and I have decided to try the same thing with Ruby. To make a file with PHP, I use the following code:
<? include 'functions_and_settings.php'; ob_start() ?>
some parts of another format
<? // php functions generating file content,
// including other formatted files ?>
some parts
<? file_put_contents('output.fmt', ob_get_clean()) ?>
Is it possible to do with Ruby? How would you do this?
The following code is equivalent to the PHP one:
require 'erb'
require 'my_functions_and_settings'
template = ERB.new <<-EOF
some text lines of another format
<% #functions generating content,
# inclusion of formatted files %>
some text lines of another format
File.open("output.fmt", "w") do |f|
f.puts template.result(binding)
# or may be: File.new("file.txt") << template.result(binding)
Is there a way to do ruby file.erb >> output.fmt
Standard Ruby distribution has erb
/usr/bin/erb my_formatted_file.erb