




Hi guys, I am working on a web application that is used to print user receipts based on the supplied receipt number. I want to enhance it in such a way that when i supply receipt numbers from 1 to 100 it will print all 100 receipts. Is there any ways in Java to implement this. How can i implement this in Java ?


Use a Map with the receipt number as the key and the receipt's as values.

Map<String, Receipt> receipts = new HashMap<String,Receipt>();
//Put objects in the map

//Later print them out
for(Receipt r : receipts.values()) {
I used to take printout of the receipts. So how can i able to achieve this? Can it be done using the above code where i replaceSystem.out.println(r);code with my print document code.?
I cannot help without knowing more about your code. You need to show some code first.

Your print document code is probably generating some sort of PDF or other report format and sends it to a printer. I think you should collect all the receipts in one multi-page report and print that. If you provide more details about the reporting tool used we might be of more help.

Adriaan Koster
ya thats true. I am using jasper reporting tool in my application.So on the basis of search date criteria i used to display result which display receipt number and on clicking on that number it opens a pdf and then print it.
So what I think you need to do is adapt your Jasper report so it can represent multiple receipts. Something along the lines of passing it a List<Receipt> instead of just a single Receipt, and edit the report to iterate over the list.
Adriaan Koster