



Hi, I have a problem with a Lightbox type modal window not working properly with IE. I have identified the problem as being due to the style attribute of the hidden image as 'display: none'. This works fine in all other browsers. But for IE, I need to change the value onload to 'display: block' and then straight back to 'display: none' which will fix the problem.

Could anyone tell me how I can do this? I need to apply this rule to multiple divs of class 'image'.


are you using any frameworks at all? I ask because this can change the location that you put the following code.

I'm not positive if this works in IE but it may:

<img ... onload="'block';'none';">

Failing that put it in your body/document onLoad function (if you don't have one create one).

function docOnLoad()
   document.getElementById('img_in_question').style.display = 'block';
   document.getElementById('img_in_question').style.display = 'none';

Edit: fixing my horribad spelling.

Matt S
+1  A: 

In your css

.image{ display:none; }

in your html

<body onload="switch" >

<script type="text/javascript">
function switch(){
    var divs = document.getElementsByClassName("image"); // not supported by all browsers but you can easily find implementations on the web

    for(var index=0;index<divs.length;index++)


jquery version:

Thank you. I should have mentioned I am using jQuery. I'll give that a try now