A while ago I asked "How to test obtaining a list of files within a directory using RSpec?" and although I got a couple of useful answers, I'm still stuck, hence a new question with some more detail about what I'm trying to do.
I'm writing my first RubyGem. It has a module that contains a class method that returns an array containing a list of non-hidden files within a specified directory. Like this:
files = Foo.bar :directory => './public'
The array also contains an element that represents metadata about the files. This is actually a hash of hashes generated from the contents of the files, the idea being that changing even a single file changes the hash.
I've written my pending RSpec examples, but I really have no idea how to implement them:
it "should compute a hash of the files within the specified directory"
it "shouldn't include hidden files or directories within the specified directory"
it "should compute a different hash if the content of a file changes"
I really don't want to have the tests dependent on real files acting as fixtures. How can I mock or stub the files and their contents? The gem implementation will use Find.find
, but as one of the answers to my other question said, I don't need to test the library.
I really have no idea how to write these specs, so any help much appreciated!
Edit: The cache
method below is the method I'm trying to test:
require 'digest/md5'
require 'find'
module Manifesto
def self.cache(options = {})
directory = options.fetch(:directory, './public')
compute_hash = options.fetch(:compute_hash, true)
manifest = []
hashes = ''
Find.find(directory) do |path|
# Only include real files (i.e. not directories, symlinks etc.)
# and non-hidden files in the manifest.
if File.file?(path) && File.basename(path)[0,1] != '.'
manifest << "#{normalize_path(directory, path)}\n"
hashes += compute_file_contents_hash(path) if compute_hash
# Hash the hashes of each file and output as a comment.
manifest << "# Hash: #{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(hashes)}\n" if compute_hash
manifest << "CACHE MANIFEST\n"
# Reads the file contents to calculate the MD5 hash, so that if a file is
# changed, the manifest is changed too.
def self.compute_file_contents_hash(path)
hash = ''
digest = Digest::MD5.new
File.open(path, 'r') do |file|
digest.update(file.read(8192)) until file.eof
hash += digest.hexdigest
# Strips the directory from the start of path, so that each path is relative
# to directory. Add a leading forward slash if not present.
def self.normalize_path(directory, path)
normalized_path = path[directory.length,path.length]
normalized_path = '/' + normalized_path unless normalized_path[0,1] == '/'