




i know that php is not as good as python and ruby compared from a view of security and performance.

i wonder however, is there a chance for php to reach that level in the future and no one will say..."php is a ugly and slow language"?

a more professional language?

+4  A: 

There is nothing wrong with PHP that a ground-up rewrite and redesign can't fix.

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
The engine isn't the problem, it's the details of the syntax and concepts. TO be fixed, a new version of PHP would have to set aside backwards compatibility, which is unlikely to happen any time soon.
Alex JL
Right, that's what I meant to include in my original answer. I have amended that.
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
@Code got an example?
Col. Shrapnel
so it will take 20 years maybe? :(
Could you please explain, which of listed features are security or performance related? Thanks
Col. Shrapnel
all tests point that php is very slow compared to other languages. global variables perhaps?
OMG "all tests", "very slow". @fayer ignorance is not the thing to boast of.
Col. Shrapnel
+7  A: 

It's not the language that makes it unprofessionnal and bad, it's the developper that uses the language.

You can have some well-coded professional code in PHP.

Also Facebook has been working for quite long on making a PHP compiler that is said to have huge performance boost over common PHP compiler.

More info about it : http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/358

well said. Don't blame the language.
The language is pretty awful by modern standards.
Your comment is pretty awful by modern standards.
The language and libraries have some interesting mixes of naming styles and argument conventions that are beyond the developer's ability to adjust to. When you have to look up every time what name to call, there isn't a clearly established pattern.
Coming from the person who spells developer with two 'p's. There's clearly a holy war to be had here but to address your points: yes, you *can* write nice code with PHP but it does nothing to help you. If you'd written a line of python in your life, you'd know why I hate PHP so much. And HipHop is a royal PITA to deploy. I know because I have.
@Oli English misspellings are sort of forgivable for Francophones, as HoLyVieR seems to be. Not everyone is an Anglo.
+2  A: 

You had deceived by someone.
There is nothing bad in PHP's security and performance.

Col. Shrapnel
then i have been deceived by a lot of people. 75% vote for python and ruby when it comes to performance and security.
@fayer Oh yes. Voting is great way to find the truth. 1000000 lemmings cannot be wrong.
Col. Shrapnel
vote ? Well it's not because people think it's bad, that's it's bad. There is a huge difference between personnal impression and fact.
Python and Ruby (and more their frameworks) do a *lot* to steer you toward good security practices and you get a lot of caching options for free. And they completely annihilate PHP on rapid, DRY development.
PHP is an awesome language in its space. I used it for years, securely and with great performance and scalability. What and how you are doing something makes a big difference (as always).
Doesn't PHP has free caching options as well? And, in my opinion, availability of caching options will lead to less efficient code... And I can't see PHP really annihilated :)
Col. Shrapnel