



Hi guys!

I need some help with user settings mechanism for my Yii-based application.

I've created the following db structure to store user settings:

  1. table user with the following fields

    id | username | email | etc.

  2. table settingslist (to store a list of all possible settings with descriptions) with the following fields

    id | code | name | description

  3. table settings (to store all user settings) with the following fields

    id | userid | settingslistcode | value

Now I'm stuck with the form which allows user to change his settings. I had to deal before with the regular models (i.e. for posts, comments, etc.) where every new model had only one row in the database (Post model - id | title | body |) with the certain amount of attributes (fields of the table). But now I need to store user settings in 10-15 rows and I don't know how to apply Yii model mechanism to work with this, so I can retrieve those settings in a single form (so user could change his preferences).

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


Not sure what the criteria are for your form, but you can pull all of the settings for a particular user with the following.

$criteria=new CDbCriteria;

Then loop through each of these building your form.

foreach($settings as $setting){
    $settingElement = SettingsList::model()->find($criteria);
Jason George

Well, I m not sure if you store user setting for his profile in your site or per post/comment.

The setting list is OK, we need to define all the possible setting options. Then, if you store site settings for your users, try a column ProfileSettings in tbl users. I usually use serialize($setting_array()).

If you store user setting per post, create a user_post_settings table and user same serialize() idea. So, one user - one post => one row.
