



I've chosen JQuery as my JavaScript library but now I'm a bit frustrated by the JQuery plugin site... the site kinda sucks... the plugin area isn't designed very well and I can only find a few treeviews. The one with the most votes (link text) isn't supported anymore.

Can someone please point me to an industrial strength treeview?

Desired Features:

  • stable

  • async / ajax would be nice

  • drag and drop nodes would be nice

I've been delighted so far with JQueryUI--nice design. But, how come it doesn't come with a standard tree view?


+2  A: 

I don't know that there is a "standard" single solution for this. One I've used in the past that just got a major update is jsTree, it got a lot of doesn't fit your "stable" requirement because it's in RC status, but that should change soon.

You can get more info on it here (it is large though, make sure it's not overkill for your needs)

There are certainly other options, but as I haven't used any of them (and we eventually went to a custom tree since our requirements were very light/specific)...I just can't give any first-hand experience information for the alternatives. I'll it for someone who's actually used them to give some insight.

Also, the jQuery UI Tree is coming, it's currently in the planning stages, you can track it's progress here:

Nick Craver
Thanks for the jsTree suggestion... it's feature rich but there is a hard learning curve.
Pete Alvin