hi, I am so worry :(
I dropped one of the tables from the database accidentally. fortunately, I have back-up. (I have used the "Auto backup for mysql")
The back-up of the table is stored as .txt file (56 Megabytes) on my PC.
I tried to import it by PhpMyAdmin and the import failed because the file is too large to import.
then I uploaded the file to /home/tablebk directory. I have some experiences in php. I know that I would import it with this code, but i don't know the sql statment for this import.
what is have to put as $line
please help me :( :(
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuser = 'mysite';
$dbpw = 'password';
$dbname = 'databasename';
$file = @fopen('country.txt', 'r');
if ($file)
while (!feof($file))
$line = trim(fgets($file));
$flag = mysql_query($line);
if (isset($flag))
echo 'Insert Successfully<br />';
echo mysql_error() . '<br/>';
echo '<br />End of File';