



Hey guys,

There's a lot of post saying how to change info in the app.config and there are posts that say you shouldn't edit info in the app.config but store info in user folders. I understand these topics. But what i want is a combination of both. I have a wcf setup for my client in an app.config, which contains the endpoint address to which it should connect. When The server changes ip, or when a client is installed on a computer in another company, the user should be able to insert another ip-address which should be stored in the app.config. This cannot be stored in a file in appdata or something like that, as the client reads the info in the app.config on startup.

How can i write (so remember the new ip-address) in the app.config when the client is installed in program files, the UAC is enabled and the program isn't run as an admin?

Thanks in advance.


Could you simply change the IP in the App.config as part of your MSI/installation procedure?

what do you mean, that i preset the correct ip-address and make a setup for each company?
either make setup for each company or if that happens too often write your own installer that installs the client/server, detects IPs and updates config files.
You can add custom actions to an MSI that detect the IP dynamically, or pass a parameter to your MSI, or call a config utility as part of the installation, or show a little custom UI as part of your MSI wizard and user can enter a URL interactivly. A lot of possibilties.
Ok, i have never added a custom actions to my setup or tried coding it. What's my best option to enter the ip-address (read easiest for user)?
I personally prefer