



I am trying to host some files/rails app in the port 8080 for external access. For python I am using the SimpleHTTPServer module, and for rails, webrick. However, both of them does not work very well. I don't get the response back, and, sometimes, if I get it, it's VERY slow. Nevertheless, apache works very well on the port 8080 (i am not running them at the same time). What is going on?

+1  A: 

I can't speak for Python, but Webrick is not meant to be used for an in-production application—you didn't mention if this application was in production, though you did say 'external access'.

For Rails, have a look at Passenger.

I just want to show to my friends my site while i'm developing on windows. I can't do that on webrick?
Sure, but it's going to be slow as hell. If you don't want Passenger, another option is to have a look at Mongrel (though I'm not sure what support for it on Windows is like)