




I am trying to convert java object to JSON object in Tomcat/jersey using Jackson. And want to suppress serialization(write) of certain properties dynamically.

I can use JsonIgnore, but I want to make the ignore decision at runtime. Any ideas??

So as an example below, I want to suppress "id" field when i serialize the User object to JSON..

new ObjectMapper.writeValueAsString(user);

class User {

private String id = null;
private String firstName = null;
private String lastName = null;


}//end class

I don't see any way of doing that. If you need to dynamically decide which properties are marshalled, then I suggest you manually construct a Map of keys to values for your objects, and then pass that Map to Jackson, rather than passing the User object directly.

thanks. I think the Map pattern is a little weak too, when it comes to creating JSON arrays.Map<String,Object> map1 = new HashMap<String,Object>();map1.put("fname", "Steve");map1.put("lname", "Colly"); Map<String,Object> map2 = new HashMap<String,Object>();map2.put("fname", "Josh");map2.put("lname", "Roff");List jsonArray = new ArrayList();jsonArray.add(map1);jsonArray.add(map2);new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(jsonArray) ...does not produce???[{'fname':'Steve','lname':'Colly'},{'fname':'Josh','lname':'Roff'}]
@kapil.isr: Yes it does, I just tried it, it works fine. The order of the keys is different, but that's because you used a `HashMap` rather than a `LinkedHashMap`.
o yeah it works, sorry typo :) thanks a lot!!
Also do you know if ObjectMapper can be shared among threads, i know doc says it can. But I just wanted to make sure, if thats the case. There doesn't seem to be whole lot of information on jackson out there, their own doc seems limited.
`ObjectMapper` can be shared, yes.
I am not quite sure why you would doubt explicit guarantee by author(s) of the library (I assume you refer to http://wiki.fasterxml.com/JacksonFAQ, "Is ObjectMapper thread-safe? "), but yes, it is fully shareable as long as you do not try changing configuration settings when sharing.
+1  A: 


ObjectMapper.configure(SerialiationJson.Feature f, boolean value)




This will work only when you want all instances of a certain type to ignore id on serialization. If you truly want dynamic (aka per instance customization) you will probabily have to hack the jackson library yourself.

Toader Mihai Claudiu

Have you tried using JSON Views? Views allow annotation-based mechanism for defining different profiles, so if you just need slightly differing views for different users, this could work for you.
