




I'm planning on storing the passwords as a sha1, so I need a way to validate that it is a sha1 at another point in my website. I was planning on using preg_match, but I do not know how to make regex patterns. Could someone help me out with one?


Edit: I am not trying to see if two hashes match.

+6  A: 

Actually, you can use preg_match() to make sure it's a 40 characters hexadecimal string as such:

function is_sha1($str) {
    return (bool) preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/i', $str);

To explain the pattern:

/        Opening Delimiter
^        Start Of String Anchor
[0-9a-f] Any of the following characters: 0123456789abcdef
{40}     Repeated 40 times
$        End Of String Anchor
/        Closing Delimiter
i        Modifier: Case-Insensitive Search

If you are trying to make sure that the sha1() hash matches the password the user provider, you simply rehash like this:

if($db_hash == sha1($user_provider-pass))
   echo "Password is correct!";
Andrew Moore
Thank you. You not only gave me the pattern that I needed, but you also explained what each bit meant.
Or you could use [`ctype_xdigit`](http://php.net/ctype_xdigit) (to check for hexadecimal digits only) and [`strlen`](http://php.net/strlen) (to check for the string length).

When comparing two SHA1 hashes, and you know that the first one is one (because it comes out of the database), then just assume that the second is a SHA1 value as well. You are only interested if two hashes match or not. If one of the compared values is not a possible SHA1 value, then it's particulary not the same as the one in the database. And that's all you need to know.
