



I've been looking at these too, both seem to provide fully functional XMPP servers in Java. I know Tigase is designed in a very modular way, not looked at Openfire in as much detail yet.

My intended use would be to create a custom IM-based app, using XMPP for convenience rather than to open my server up to talk to other XMPP servers.

I'm trying to evaluate my needs based on the following, roughly in order of importance:

  1. Documentation coverage & community
  2. How easy to plug in own functionality
  3. Licensing/cost - I don't plan to release my code
  4. Maturity and stability

Tigase is GPL(even version 3) licensed opposed to OpenFire being under Apache license ... for closed source application is OpenFire the go.

It is embaddable and proven to be reliable - 1000s of concurrent users. It even has gateways to communicate with legacy networks - like ICQ.

Only drawback I can se here is that it can handle only one domain per instance(port), however from your description that should not be a problem.

Marek Jelen
Can you add any detail on "it is embeddable"?
Since it's the only answer I will give you the bounty, it's not as much information as I was after though so if you can expand, please do!
Hi, don't yet really know to use this site ... sorry for not responding :-(You might start here: continously go deeper and deeper.
Marek Jelen

Concerning openfire ... it seems to be more or less abandoned and certainly not because of lack bugs to fix ;)

I see a fair bit of activity on the forums.