RabbitMQ, Haxe and as3: http://geekrelief.wordpress.com/2008/12/15/hxamqp-amqp-with-haxe/
RabbitMQ, Ruby and ACLs: http://pastie.org/pastes/368315
You might also want to look at using Nanite with RabbitMQ to manage backend groups: http://brainspl.at/articles/2008/10/11/merbcamp-keynote-and-introducing-nanite
You say you need:
* broadcast messages by any client (1:N, N:N)
* (potentially) direct messages (1:1)
You can easily do both using RabbitMQ. RabbitMQ supports both cases, 1:N pubsub and 1:1 messaging, with 'direct' exchanges.
The direct exchange pattern is as follows:
Any publisher (group member) sends a message to the broker with a 'routing key' such as "yurii". RabbitMQ matches this key with subscription bindings in the routing table (aka "exchange") for you. Each binding represents a subscription by a queue, expressing interest in messages with a given routing key. When the routing and binding keys match, the message is then routed to queues for subsequent consumption by clients (group members). This works for 1:N and 1:1 cases; with N:N building on 1:N.
Introduction to the routing model: http://blogs.digitar.com/jjww/2009/01/rabbits-and-warrens/
General intro: http://google-ukdev.blogspot.com/2008/09/rabbitmq-tech-talk-at-google-london.html
You also require:
* (important) authenticate/authorize clients with my own backend (say, through some kind of HTTP API)
Please see the ACLs code for this (link above). There is also a HTTP interface to RabbitMQ but we have not yet combined the HTTP front end with the ACL code. That shouldn't hold oyu back though. Please come to the rabbitmq-discuss list where this topic has been talked about recently.
You also require:
* create groups (by some backend process)
* to be able to kick specific clients by backend process (or server plugin)
I suggest looking at how tools like Nanite and Workling do this. Group creation is not usually part of a messaging system, instead, in RabbitMQ, you create routing patterns using subscriptions. You can kick specific clients by sending messages to them by whichever key they have used to bind their consuming queue to the exchange.
Hope this helps!