The base class of the Eclipse 3.5 Java editor is
Note the "internal" in the class name. That means it's an internal Eclipse class, and not meant to be extended.
There is an Eclipse extension point org.eclipse.ui.editors.markerUpdaters
I've not worked with this extension point, but it appears that it might allow you to do what you wish.
Here's the description from Eclipse help:
This extension point is used for
registering marker update strategies
with marker annotation models. A
resource that is opened in a text
editor is associated with a marker
annotation model. For each marker
attached to the resource this model
manages a position that is updated
with each change applied to the text
in the editor. If the resource is
saved, the text in the editor and the
position managed for a marker are
passed over to the registered marker
update strategies. These strategies
can then update the marker's
attributes based on the text and the
position. Marker update strategies are
requested to implement the interface
The update strategies can be
registered either for a particular
marker type or all marker types. The
latter by omitting any marker type in
the extension.
Here's an example from the Eclipse help:
<extension point= "org.eclipse.ui.editors.markerUpdaters">
I couldn't find more of an explanation on the Internet.