




Hi All,

Does any one know, or is it possible to do one time payment, with paypal in android ?

Consider the senario.

  • Buyer purchases installs free application.
  • Clicks on paypal module and makes in-app payment, purchases feature successfully.
  • Buyer deletes application. All information including the feature purchase enty in database is deleted.
  • Buyer reinstalls the application.

Here is the catch, if he wants to use the feature he will have to do a re-purchase. Which I wann to avoid in my application. This is taken care in iPhone in-app purchase. That is if a buyer has already purchased an feature or in-app item, and if he trys to repurchase it (item has been set to one time payment), the in-app purchase transaction will succeed without the user actually having to repay for the item.

Is there an solution for this can anyone help.


Currently PayPal doesn't seem to support this, you'll have to implement approptiate logic with your own server side (register purchases in a table and query it before performing new purchase). All items in PayPal are 'consumable' to use Apple's terms.
