I'm using uploadify and the function to change the settings doesn't seem to be working.
I'm basing my code from the following example:
#(‘#someID’).uploadifySettings(’scriptData’, {‘name’ : some.val()});
So here's what I'm doing:
// other data
"scriptData": {
"token": token
Later on I want to update the scriptData:
$("#"+elementId).uploadifySettings("scriptData",{"token": "pleasework"});
... but this is not working, it's still using the scriptData set during the initialization.
What am I doing wrong?
UPDATE: I need to do this because I need to handle tokens. Here's the worflow:
1- Get a token
2- Init uploadify with this token
3- Upload a file
4- Get another token asynchronously
5- Add the token to the already initialized uploadify (bugged)
6- Go to 3
I tried doing this on initialization:
"scriptData": {
"token": $(".token").val()
... and update .token on step 4
This doesn't work either
UPDATE 2: Also if I do:
"scriptData": {
"token": getAToken()
function getAToken(){
return "sometoken";
... I can see that the function getAToken only gets called once (only 1 alert)