Dear SO,
I'm trying to use OpenCV v2.1. Using cv.FindChessboardCorners I've found a bunch of corresponding points between two webcams.
Using the function cv.FindFundamentalMat I've generated a fundamental matrix relating the two cams. But now I want to use cv.StereoRectifyUncalibrated. The documentation specifies that the same format for the two arrays of corresponding points can be used for this function, but when I try that I get the following error:
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (CV_IS_MAT(_points1) && CV_IS_MAT(_points2) && (_points1->rows == 1 || _points1->cols == 1) && (_points2->rows == 1 || _points2->cols == 1) && CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ(_points1, _points2)) in cvStereoRectifyUncalibrated, file /home/moos/prog/opencv/OpenCV-2.1.0/src/cv/cvcalibration.cpp, line 2539
It seems like the function wants a 1-dimensional array, but how is that possible if I need to specify (x, y) points?
I'm using OpenCV 2.1 with Python bindings, Python 2.6.1.