



I have started a maven project trying to implement the MapReduce algorithm in java 1.5.0_14. I have chosen the 0.20.2 API hadoop version. In the pom.xml i'm using thus the following dependency:

< dependency>

< groupId>org.apache.hadoop< /groupId>      
< artifactId>hadoop-core< /artifactId>      
< version>0.20.2< /version>

< /dependency>

But when I'm using an import to the org.apache.hadoop classes, I get the following error:

bad class file: ${HOME_DIR}\repository\org\apache\hadoop\hadoop-core\0.20.2\hadoop-core-0.20.2.jar(org/apache/hadoop/fs/Path.class) class file has wrong version 50.0, should be 49.0.

Does someone know how can I solve this issue.



Maven by default compiles to JDK 1.4 compatibility. You need to change this.

You need to add this to your pom.xml:


[Edit: thank you Sean for pointing out Hadoop requires JDK 6]

Chris Kaminski
Class file version 50 maps to Java 6, so actually he needs to specify source and target of "1.6". (Hadoop requires Java 6.)
Sean Owen

Hi Chris,

I've added this plugin to the pom.xml but I still get the same error when I'm running the command mvn clean install

Don't answer an answer with a new answer. Comment on the answer above -- see my comment there.
Sean Owen

I ran into this exact same problem. Turned out sbt itself was running on Java 5, which is the default on my Mac for a silly but valid reason. Once I changed my sbt script to explicitly start with Java6, everything worked fine.

Jakob Homan

Regardless of your maven-compiler-plugin's source & target configurations (that only controls how your own source code is compiled) you must use a 1.6 JVM to run Hadoop's code since it is compiled targetting "1.6" JVM.

So, just install a 1.6 java runtime and use that to run your program.

Pablo Lalloni