




In trying to solve the problem of getting data from Drupal into XML, I found the Views Bonus Pack module, which with a little figuring out works great. Except...

When setting the Style property in the Basic settings of Feed view to XML file no items show up unless I am authenticated. If I log in, I see all the entries. If I log out, I see only


The Access setting is set to unrestricted in both the Defaults and the Feed view.

Anybody have any ideas as to how to fix this?

Thanks a lot.

+1  A: 

Maybe your anonymous user can't see any node. Try to read a content when you're not aunthenticated.

Brice Favre
Yes, good thought, but I have checked for that. When I view other nodes I get all the content.
I still think this is a permission problem. Maybe something with content permission.
Brice Favre
Hmmm, OK. I'll take an extra look at the permissions outside of the Views.
Yup, it turned out to be a content_permissions issue. Thanks for the pointer.