



Here's what part of my ivy.xml looks like right now:

<dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.core" rev="3.0.2.RELEASE" />
<dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.context" rev="3.0.2.RELEASE" />
<dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.jdbc" rev="3.0.2.RELEASE" />
<dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.beans" rev="3.0.2.RELEASE" />
<dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.jms" rev="3.0.2.RELEASE" />

Here's what I'd like it to look like:

<dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.core" rev="${spring.version}" />
<dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.context" rev="${spring.version}" />
<dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.jdbc" rev="${spring.version}" />
<dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.beans" rev="${spring.version}" />
<dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.jms" rev="${spring.version}" />

Is this possible? What's the syntax?

+2  A: 

Syntax is correct. All you need to do is set the ANT property somewhere.

For example

ant -Dspring.version=3.0.2.RELEASE

Another alternative is to add the property declaration into the ivysettings.xml file


    <property name="spring.version" value="3.0.2.RELEASE"/>

    <settings defaultResolver="maven2"/>
        <ibiblio name="maven2" m2compatible="true"/>
Mark O'Connor
Cool! Is it possible to set the property inside of `ivy.xml`? That way all of the dependency information would be together.
Putting the property declaration in the ivy settings file achieves the same objective of keeping the dependency information together
Mark O'Connor
Thanks for the answer, but I went with my solution ( because I wanted to keep the version declarations in the same file.
+2  A: 

I ended up using XML entities to do the substitution. This keeps everything in the same file, which is important for my use case.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE ivy-module [
    <!ENTITY spring.version "3.0.2.RELEASE">
<ivy-module version="2.0"

    <info organisation="org" module="mod"/>

        <dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.core" rev="&spring.version;" />
        <dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.context" rev="&spring.version;" />
        <dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.jdbc" rev="&spring.version;" />
        <dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.beans" rev="&spring.version;" />
        <dependency org="org.springframework" name="org.springframework.jms" rev="&spring.version;" />
+1 Nice lateral thinking