Hi all, I am storing the value in two tables HDR and Line. And one more Line Tem table I have which is linked with scroll window. HDR table fields are RouteID and Description ,Temp table fields are Routid, custid, addrrsscode, priority. My requirement is for same routeid there should not be duplicate priority number(priority number is integer data type). To do this I have created a composite unique key in temp table with routeid and priority number field. And I have written a separate procedure for validation this and calling it from priority number change event. But here when I am entering any duplicate priority number and pressing tab others corresponding two field of scroll window is getting cleared and mouse pointer is set to first field of the scroll window that custid. In this case instead of clearing other two fields I should get warning message like “priority number cant be repeated” I have written this message in code but not getting. Could some body pls help me to solve this issues.