



Hi all, I am new to microsoft great plains technology. In this post my concern is to save the scroll window data in original sql table. I am selecting the values from lookup window and displaying in scroll window and saving it to temp table. While i am running temp table i see data is saved there, my motto is to save the data from temp table to original table while clicking the save button. for that i have written... get first table is_customer_temp; while err() = OKAY do copy from table is_customer_temp to table is_customer; save table is_customer; get next table is_customer_temp; end while;

but while i see the back end nothing is stored in original table. Pls somebody help me...

And 2nd problem is i want to delete the selected row from scroll window using checkbox. If i dont use check box and simply want to delete row i can do this simple way....write delete code scroll window line delete event and call that script in row delete button event. It will delete the particular row from scroll. But how can i do if i use checkbox in scroll window...Pls somebody help me..

Thanks, Rahul