I've setup some models in the table inheritance fashion and everything seems to be all fine and dandy. But, when I use a collection select field to select values from one of the models it saves it but it saves the ID of the data and not the actual value of the data. So when I try to display the value on the show view it just shows the corresponding ID and not the actual value.
Here is my setup. I'm using formtastic as a side note.
<%= show_field "County", @company.county %>
<%= f.input :county, :label => 'County', :as => :select, :collection => County.find(:all) %>
Base Model
class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
before_create :set_type
before_update :set_type
attr_accessible :type, :name, :category
belongs_to :company
def set_type
self.type = self.category
Inherited Model
class County < Tag