



Hi all! I was wondering about how to clean multiple JTextField in a Java applicatio, without setting the text with an empty string for each field. Any suggestions?


Track all the instances in an array? Swing does not majically know what's a JTextField and whats not.

And to my knowledge, setting the text to an empty string is the only way to clear text. T

A `Collection<>`. Actually, go straight for a model in Swing - `Collection<Document>`.
Tom Hawtin - tackline
+1  A: 

Why would you want to do it differently? I guess you could do it by getDocument().remove(0, length) or by setting a fresh document model, but both alternatives are worse than .setText("")

If you want some "global" clear-button (similar to an HTML <input type=reset />) the answer is that it's not possible in Java. You have to store the components in a collection somehow, and loop them through and clear each component one by one.

I'll follow this way so, thanks!